All in delicacy, Anne-Sophie Duca conjures up landscapes. Her drawings, similar to openings, capture the horizon of the countryside surrounding the town of Le Plessix-Madeuc (Brittany).
Through these views, the moment is being printed on the sensitive surface of the sheet. She produces her drawings in parallel and moves from one to another following her quest of the moment, being one with her work, which is being completed. Step by step, she embroiders her memories thanks to black dots of various intensities. She ventures into the image through a calligraphic writing by tracing what is left in her mind. A profound energy frees her graphic signs. These endless threads convey her perception of a crossing, of sensations and of the wind. Areas of oblivion are left, they emphasize the minuscule moment which was first perceived and then preserved. Through this wake, our gaze is invited to take a walk and to draw its own path. The landscape is thus opening a vast field of perception: where the gaze is fleeing, nature puts a mark on the walker’s body. This opening to the world proper to the stroller is conveyed by the artist thanks to the sparkle of the nature’s details captured live. If the landscap’s flesh merges with the body’s, her gesture reveals here the movements of nature.
As the creative process continues, the thread sometimes draws a fog which may betray the displacement of a cloud in the sky. Everything is at stake when the process of the landscape’s appearance stops thus leaving room for the viewer’s imagination.
Source text written by Pauline Lisowski, art critic and curator. Click here to read it !
Texte original écrit par Pauline Lisowski, critique d’art et commissaire d’exposition. Retrouvez-le ici !